The Martyrdom of Stephen

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Verses:Acts 7:17 ~ 7:60
Key Verse:59-60. And they stoned Stephen as he called upon the Lord and said, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit! And kneeling down, he cried out with a loud voice, Lord, do not hold this sin against them. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.
Topic:The Martyrdom of Stephen
Emphasis:Stephen was a witness that Jesus is the one of whom Moses said, “A Prophet will God raise up unto you from your brothers, like me,”(v37) Who also was the Righteous One sold and killed by them.
Meditate:Compare the Acts 7:59 to Luke 23:46, and Acts 7:60 to Luke 23:24: when Stephen was martyred, he said almost exactly what Jesus said when He was crucified, indicating the New Testament saints are the replication and multiplication of Jesus.
Prayer:Lord, I thank You, by faith, I can receive Your life and Your nature. Keep me living in the new life, until I become like You.
Hymn:God has called us for His purpose


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