The witnesses of faith (2)
Verses:Hebrews 11:23 ~ 11:40
Key Verse:39-40. And these all, having obtained a good testimony through their faith, did not obtain the promise, Because God has provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect.
Topic:The witnesses of faith (2)
Emphasis:Some witnesses experienced the miraculous mighty power, some people experienced “death by torture, refused to accept release”, ”the world was not worthy to have them”. They all died in faith but have not yet received what has been promised. They need us, the New Testament believers, to enjoy what “God has provided something better”.
Meditate:All God’s promises will not be completely fulfilled until the eternal future. Ultimately, all believers will share the “more beautiful things.” Today, in time, through many witnesses of faith, we incite each other.
Prayer:Praise the Lord there were many believers who died in faith through generations. Please keep me in faith also, to not look at the environment but hold faith of the better things that God promised.
Hymn:958 Since long ago at Bethany we parted
Key Verse:39-40. And these all, having obtained a good testimony through their faith, did not obtain the promise, Because God has provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect.
Topic:The witnesses of faith (2)
Emphasis:Some witnesses experienced the miraculous mighty power, some people experienced “death by torture, refused to accept release”, ”the world was not worthy to have them”. They all died in faith but have not yet received what has been promised. They need us, the New Testament believers, to enjoy what “God has provided something better”.
Meditate:All God’s promises will not be completely fulfilled until the eternal future. Ultimately, all believers will share the “more beautiful things.” Today, in time, through many witnesses of faith, we incite each other.
Prayer:Praise the Lord there were many believers who died in faith through generations. Please keep me in faith also, to not look at the environment but hold faith of the better things that God promised.
Hymn:958 Since long ago at Bethany we parted