Paul Returns to Jerusalem.
Verses:Acts 20:1 ~ 20:38
Key Verse:28. Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among whom the Holy Spirit has placed you as overseers to shepherd the church of God, which He obtained through His own blood.
Topic:Paul Returns to Jerusalem.
Emphasis:Paul was concerned about the furtherance of the church in Ephesus, so he gathered the elders of church Ephesus, in Miletus, to fellowship with them about his testimony and hope. Here is the pattern of loving one another in the church.
Meditate:Paul served the church in Ephesus for three years, where those believers were filled with the holy love from God towards him. Do you feel the same situation in the church where you are?
Prayer:Thank You, my Lord, for Your love to the church, and You even redeemed it with Your own blood. Please let me love Your church more and more.
Hymn:1198 A mighty flowing-out is God
Key Verse:28. Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among whom the Holy Spirit has placed you as overseers to shepherd the church of God, which He obtained through His own blood.
Topic:Paul Returns to Jerusalem.
Emphasis:Paul was concerned about the furtherance of the church in Ephesus, so he gathered the elders of church Ephesus, in Miletus, to fellowship with them about his testimony and hope. Here is the pattern of loving one another in the church.
Meditate:Paul served the church in Ephesus for three years, where those believers were filled with the holy love from God towards him. Do you feel the same situation in the church where you are?
Prayer:Thank You, my Lord, for Your love to the church, and You even redeemed it with Your own blood. Please let me love Your church more and more.
Hymn:1198 A mighty flowing-out is God