Principles of our actions

(6/12) |

Verses:Ephesians 4:17 ~ 4:32
Key Verse:23-24. That you put off, as regards your former manner of life, the old man, which is being corrupted according to the lusts of the deceit, And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind
Topic:Principles of our behaviors
Emphasis:Here made one comparison between the former manner of life and the living of the new man, indicating the importance of putting on the new man. Here it points out that we put on the new man start with being renewed in the mind of the Spirit.
Meditate:Have we seen what is the New Testament principle of believers’ behaviors? Are you renewed by the mind of the Spirit, or by self-improvement?
Prayer:Thank my Lord. You are not only my life in my spirit, but also my model, that I can daily learn to put on the new man, having righteousness and holiness of the reality.
Hymn:537 Christ to me is so subjective
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