Faith and Works
Verses:James 2:14 ~ 2:26
Key Verse:22. You see that faith worked together with his works, and by these works faith was perfected.
Topic:Faith and Works
Emphasis:Verse 14 said: “Can that faith save him?”, and verse 24 said: “a man is justified by works”. These words seemingly conflict with “Justified by faith”, but if we know the full salvation of God we will not feel strange. The salvation of God includes first being born again, then growing into maturity, eventually, one day we will be like Him in glory. To help the Saints experience full salvation, James said, “By these works faith was perfected”. Don’t confuse that with “being regenerated by faith”.
Meditate:True faith must be followed by works, which is the reason Peter emphasized “the faith passed through trials”.
Prayer:I would like to be perfected like You, my heavenly Father. Keep me by your grace. Day by day make me like You in maturity of life.
Hymn:438 I’ve turned my back upon the world
Key Verse:22. You see that faith worked together with his works, and by these works faith was perfected.
Topic:Faith and Works
Emphasis:Verse 14 said: “Can that faith save him?”, and verse 24 said: “a man is justified by works”. These words seemingly conflict with “Justified by faith”, but if we know the full salvation of God we will not feel strange. The salvation of God includes first being born again, then growing into maturity, eventually, one day we will be like Him in glory. To help the Saints experience full salvation, James said, “By these works faith was perfected”. Don’t confuse that with “being regenerated by faith”.
Meditate:True faith must be followed by works, which is the reason Peter emphasized “the faith passed through trials”.
Prayer:I would like to be perfected like You, my heavenly Father. Keep me by your grace. Day by day make me like You in maturity of life.
Hymn:438 I’ve turned my back upon the world