Attending the wedding feast
Verses:Matthew 22:1 ~ 22:22
Key Verse:4. Again, he sent other slaves, saying, Tell those who have been called, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatted cattle have been slain, and all things are ready. Come to the wedding feast.
Topic:Attending the wedding feast
Emphasis:The participation in the wedding feast depends upon whether the invitees are willing to come. This is the first condition of our enjoying the spiritual riches.
Meditate:Two conditions are mentioned in this passage: (1) our willingness to come, (2) our proper readiness to come to honor the master of the wedding.
Prayer:God, thank You for the invitation of the wedding feast through the gospel reached me . Cause me to treasure Your invitation to the wedding. Separate my time to prepare the wedding garment.
Hymn:1330 All things are ready, come to the feast
166 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Key Verse:4. Again, he sent other slaves, saying, Tell those who have been called, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatted cattle have been slain, and all things are ready. Come to the wedding feast.
Topic:Attending the wedding feast
Emphasis:The participation in the wedding feast depends upon whether the invitees are willing to come. This is the first condition of our enjoying the spiritual riches.
Meditate:Two conditions are mentioned in this passage: (1) our willingness to come, (2) our proper readiness to come to honor the master of the wedding.
Prayer:God, thank You for the invitation of the wedding feast through the gospel reached me . Cause me to treasure Your invitation to the wedding. Separate my time to prepare the wedding garment.
Hymn:1330 All things are ready, come to the feast
166 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty