Vine and branches
Verses:John 15:1 ~ 15:17
Key Verse:5. I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.
Topic:Vine and branches
Emphasis:The illustration of the vine and branches shows five aspects of the mysterious relationship between God the Son and believers. 1: Bearing fruits to glorify God, 2: Pruned by His words, 3: Abiding in the Lord, 4: Abiding in the Lord’s love, 5: The disciples loving one another.
Meditate:Find the corresponding verses about these five aspects.
Prayer:Thank You Lord for that I am a branch in the vine. Keep me abiding in you always, pruned by Your words, bearing fruits to glorify God.
Hymn:1162 We’ve found the secret of living
Key Verse:5. I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.
Topic:Vine and branches
Emphasis:The illustration of the vine and branches shows five aspects of the mysterious relationship between God the Son and believers. 1: Bearing fruits to glorify God, 2: Pruned by His words, 3: Abiding in the Lord, 4: Abiding in the Lord’s love, 5: The disciples loving one another.
Meditate:Find the corresponding verses about these five aspects.
Prayer:Thank You Lord for that I am a branch in the vine. Keep me abiding in you always, pruned by Your words, bearing fruits to glorify God.
Hymn:1162 We’ve found the secret of living