Being crucified
Verses:John 19:17 ~ 19:42
Key Verse:30. Then when Jesus had taken the vinegar, He said, It is finished! And He bowed His head and delivered up His spirit.
Topic:Being crucified
Emphasis:John19: 30, “He said, It is finished!” Here Jesus did not say “It is the end” because He knew His death finished the work of redemption while human deaths were just the end.
Meditate:“the Scripture might be fulfilled…” is mentioned three times in the verses here. This indicates that Jesus’ death is the work from God’s plan rather than martyrdom for an ideal.
Prayer:Praise the Lord; You have accomplished the great redemptive work for me through crucifixion.
Hymn:321 Full salvation! Full salvation
Key Verse:30. Then when Jesus had taken the vinegar, He said, It is finished! And He bowed His head and delivered up His spirit.
Topic:Being crucified
Emphasis:John19: 30, “He said, It is finished!” Here Jesus did not say “It is the end” because He knew His death finished the work of redemption while human deaths were just the end.
Meditate:“the Scripture might be fulfilled…” is mentioned three times in the verses here. This indicates that Jesus’ death is the work from God’s plan rather than martyrdom for an ideal.
Prayer:Praise the Lord; You have accomplished the great redemptive work for me through crucifixion.
Hymn:321 Full salvation! Full salvation