The parable of sowing the seed

(3/27) |

Verses:Luke 8:1 ~ 8:25
Key Verse:15. But that which is in the good earth, these are those who in a noble and good heart hear the word and hold it fast and bear fruit with endurance.
Topic:The parable of sowing the seed
Emphasis:Three gospel books out of the four record the parable of sowing the seed. This indicates that it is an important matter, because we need to receive the word of God like the good earth receiving the seed. Our heart needs to be like the good earth to allow the seed to grow and produce fruit even a hundredfold.
Meditate:The good earth describes those who in a noble and good heart hear the word and hold it fast and bear fruit with endurance.
Prayer:Lord, Your words are filled with Your power. May these words have an impact upon me. Teach me to keep my heart from going astray.
Hymn:507 Christ liveth in me
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