Expansion of the gospel
Verses:Matthew 14:1 ~ 14:36
Key Verse:30. But seeing the strong wind, he became frightened; and as he began to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me!
Topic:Expansion of the gospel
Emphasis:Though John the Baptist was martyred, Jesus’ gospel work was expanded further.
Meditate:Because of outward hardships Peter forgot about the Lord’s promise. As a result, he experienced some unnecessary failures. Are we the same as Peter?
Prayer:Lord, forgive me for my lack of faith. Preserve me that I may behold You and Your promise single-heartedly
Hymn:645 Turn your eyes upon Jesus
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Key Verse:30. But seeing the strong wind, he became frightened; and as he began to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me!
Topic:Expansion of the gospel
Emphasis:Though John the Baptist was martyred, Jesus’ gospel work was expanded further.
Meditate:Because of outward hardships Peter forgot about the Lord’s promise. As a result, he experienced some unnecessary failures. Are we the same as Peter?
Prayer:Lord, forgive me for my lack of faith. Preserve me that I may behold You and Your promise single-heartedly
Hymn:645 Turn your eyes upon Jesus
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