Growth and building up

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Verses:1_Corinthians 3:1 ~ 3:23
Key Verse:7-9. So then neither is he who plants anything nor he who waters, but God who causes the growth. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are Gods fellow workers; you are Gods cultivated land, Gods building.
Topic:Growth and building up
Emphasis:Among Christians, strife is an immature behavior. Believers should pay attention to two things: the first is to grow up, and the second is using the proper material to build. Spiritual growth saves us from envy and strife. Only building up with the right material can endure the fire of the coming judgment
Meditate:Wood, grass, stubble are easy to find and to get. In following God, do we always choose the easy way?
Prayer:Praise the Lord, You are the one can make me grow and You are the only foundation for me to build upon. Please help me to cooperate with You so that I can build with gold, silver and precious stones.
Hymn:837 We praise Thee, Lord, for Thy great plan
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