Praising the poor window, and prophesying His ascension and signs of the End Times
Verses:Luke 21:1 ~ 21:19
Key Verse:17-19. And you will be hated by all because of My name, Yet a hair of your head shall by no means perish. In your endurance you will possess your souls.
Topic:Praising the poor window, and prophesying His ascension and signs of the End Times
Emphasis:Eight events listed would take place: the destruction of Jerusalem (AD70), civil war, international war, earth-quakes, famines, pestilences, terrorism and great signs from heaven. Some of them have taken place, some of them are taking place now and some of them will take place soon.
Meditate:Believers have always been persecuted and some of them have been martyred within the past 2,000 years. Our lord Jesus strengthened his disciples in advance and told us to wait with endurance.
Prayer:Lord, You warned us these events in the end time. Please give me patience and make me unafraid until You return.
Hymn:1307 The day approaches; Jesus soon is coming Audio Player
Key Verse:17-19. And you will be hated by all because of My name, Yet a hair of your head shall by no means perish. In your endurance you will possess your souls.
Topic:Praising the poor window, and prophesying His ascension and signs of the End Times
Emphasis:Eight events listed would take place: the destruction of Jerusalem (AD70), civil war, international war, earth-quakes, famines, pestilences, terrorism and great signs from heaven. Some of them have taken place, some of them are taking place now and some of them will take place soon.
Meditate:Believers have always been persecuted and some of them have been martyred within the past 2,000 years. Our lord Jesus strengthened his disciples in advance and told us to wait with endurance.
Prayer:Lord, You warned us these events in the end time. Please give me patience and make me unafraid until You return.
Hymn:1307 The day approaches; Jesus soon is coming Audio Player