The Gospel is by faith
Verses:Galatians 3:1 ~ 3:14
Key Verse:14. In order that the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Topic:The Gospel is by faith
Emphasis:Five key points: 1) the cross, 2) receive the Spirit, 3) be made perfect, 4) suffer for Lord’s sake, 5) be able to conduct miracles and wonders. All of these are based on faith and are fulfilled through faith. Abraham is our example. Do not try to be righteous in God’s sight by obeying the law.
Meditate:Carefully think about the relationship between these points and faith.
Prayer: Thanks Lord for being crucified for me and redeem me from the curse of the law. Please keep me away from being tricked into trying to be perfect by obeying the law.
Hymn:1006 There is a fountain filled with blood
Key Verse:14. In order that the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Topic:The Gospel is by faith
Emphasis:Five key points: 1) the cross, 2) receive the Spirit, 3) be made perfect, 4) suffer for Lord’s sake, 5) be able to conduct miracles and wonders. All of these are based on faith and are fulfilled through faith. Abraham is our example. Do not try to be righteous in God’s sight by obeying the law.
Meditate:Carefully think about the relationship between these points and faith.
Prayer: Thanks Lord for being crucified for me and redeem me from the curse of the law. Please keep me away from being tricked into trying to be perfect by obeying the law.
Hymn:1006 There is a fountain filled with blood