Pursue to gain Christ
Verses:Philippians 3:1 ~ 3:21
Key Verse:13-14. Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.
Topic:Pursue to gain Christ
Emphasis:Here Paul wrote about his desire as a result of his knowing Christ. Although he had something to proud about according to his birth and his experience, but he cared just one thing: “forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before.”
Meditate:Do you and I appreciate the excellency of God’s salvation? Not only God saves us from the bondage of sin and death, He wants us to pursue to gain Christ Jesus who is the most excellent One in the whole universe.
Prayer:Lord, open my eyes and gain my heart to know You and treasure You. Cause me to pursue to gain You just like Paul.
Hymn:Pursue Him and know Him
Key Verse:13-14. Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.
Topic:Pursue to gain Christ
Emphasis:Here Paul wrote about his desire as a result of his knowing Christ. Although he had something to proud about according to his birth and his experience, but he cared just one thing: “forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before.”
Meditate:Do you and I appreciate the excellency of God’s salvation? Not only God saves us from the bondage of sin and death, He wants us to pursue to gain Christ Jesus who is the most excellent One in the whole universe.
Prayer:Lord, open my eyes and gain my heart to know You and treasure You. Cause me to pursue to gain You just like Paul.
Hymn:Pursue Him and know Him