Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All
Verses:Hebrews 10:1 ~ 10:18
Key Verse:14. For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.
Topic:Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All
Emphasis:Those Old Testament saints who sacrificed still felt guilty for their sins because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Jesus presented Himself, His blood made the new covenant, and His body was the sacrifice that sanctified us to make us complete forever.
Meditate:Verse 16th mentions again: “I will impart My laws upon their hearts, and upon their mind I will inscribe them.” (refer to 8:10). By Comparison of the two contexts, find the difference between them.
Prayer:Praise my Lord, the New Testament is no longer a symbol and shadow, but the body and substance. Sins have been washed and I have been sanctified. May God write Your law in my mind for every day.
Hymn:537 Christ to me is so subjective
Key Verse:14. For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.
Topic:Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All
Emphasis:Those Old Testament saints who sacrificed still felt guilty for their sins because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Jesus presented Himself, His blood made the new covenant, and His body was the sacrifice that sanctified us to make us complete forever.
Meditate:Verse 16th mentions again: “I will impart My laws upon their hearts, and upon their mind I will inscribe them.” (refer to 8:10). By Comparison of the two contexts, find the difference between them.
Prayer:Praise my Lord, the New Testament is no longer a symbol and shadow, but the body and substance. Sins have been washed and I have been sanctified. May God write Your law in my mind for every day.
Hymn:537 Christ to me is so subjective