Being despised, Disciples’ preaching and John’s martyrdom
Verses:Mark 6:1 ~ 6:29
Key Verse:4-5. And Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and among his own relatives and in his own house. And He could not do any work of power there, except to lay His hands upon a few of the sick and heal them .
Topic:Being despised, Disciples’ preaching and John’s martyrdom
Emphasis:There were a lot of interruptions of Jesus’ work. His folks despised Him, His pioneer John was killed and there were hostilities from the Pharisees. However, no matter what was the situation outside, He was not troubled and still sent his disciples out for preaching.
Meditate:Have you stopped working for God because of opposition?
Prayer:Praise the Lord; You faithfully preach the gospel of God’s kingdom. Make me someone of faith that You can have a deeper work inside of me.
Hymn:156 I have a Friend, whose faithful love
Key Verse:4-5. And Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and among his own relatives and in his own house. And He could not do any work of power there, except to lay His hands upon a few of the sick and heal them .
Topic:Being despised, Disciples’ preaching and John’s martyrdom
Emphasis:There were a lot of interruptions of Jesus’ work. His folks despised Him, His pioneer John was killed and there were hostilities from the Pharisees. However, no matter what was the situation outside, He was not troubled and still sent his disciples out for preaching.
Meditate:Have you stopped working for God because of opposition?
Prayer:Praise the Lord; You faithfully preach the gospel of God’s kingdom. Make me someone of faith that You can have a deeper work inside of me.
Hymn:156 I have a Friend, whose faithful love