See only Jesus
Verses:Mark 9:1 ~ 9:37
Key Verse:7-8. And a cloud appeared, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud: This is My Son, the Beloved. Hear Him! And suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone, but Jesus only with them.
Topic:See only Jesus
Emphasis:The Old Testament, represented by Moses (representing the Law) and Elijah (representing the prophets) has passed; we should only listen to Jesus in the New Testament and “no longer see anyone but Jesus.”
Meditate:Are you bothered by things other than Jesus? We should pay attention to “Jesus only, Jesus ever”.
Prayer:Praise the Lord! You are our glorious Savior. Please let us hear Your voice and see Your face every day.
Hymn:Lord, You are my only goal
Key Verse:7-8. And a cloud appeared, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud: This is My Son, the Beloved. Hear Him! And suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone, but Jesus only with them.
Topic:See only Jesus
Emphasis:The Old Testament, represented by Moses (representing the Law) and Elijah (representing the prophets) has passed; we should only listen to Jesus in the New Testament and “no longer see anyone but Jesus.”
Meditate:Are you bothered by things other than Jesus? We should pay attention to “Jesus only, Jesus ever”.
Prayer:Praise the Lord! You are our glorious Savior. Please let us hear Your voice and see Your face every day.
Hymn:Lord, You are my only goal