Prophecy prophesied on the Mount of Olives
Verses:Mark 13:1 ~ 13:37
Key Verse:31-32. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall by no means pass away. But concerning that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father.
Topic:Prophecy prophesied on the Mount of Olives
Emphasis:Here it speaks of three events. 1) The destruction of Jerusalem, 2) The signs of the end of the age and the Lord’s return, 3) We must be watchful and be prepared. The day and hour of Lord’s returning is beyond anyone’s knowledge. Now the false prophets and false Christs have appeared. Some claim to prophesy the day of Lord’s returning. Here the verses warn us against being tricked.
Meditate:If someone proclaims the day of the Lord’s return, will there be any conflicts against the verses in this chapter?
Prayer:Thank You Lord for showing the signs of the end of time to us. Please keep me alert that I will not be tricked.
Hymn:965 When my blest Lord will come again
Key Verse:31-32. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall by no means pass away. But concerning that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father.
Topic:Prophecy prophesied on the Mount of Olives
Emphasis:Here it speaks of three events. 1) The destruction of Jerusalem, 2) The signs of the end of the age and the Lord’s return, 3) We must be watchful and be prepared. The day and hour of Lord’s returning is beyond anyone’s knowledge. Now the false prophets and false Christs have appeared. Some claim to prophesy the day of Lord’s returning. Here the verses warn us against being tricked.
Meditate:If someone proclaims the day of the Lord’s return, will there be any conflicts against the verses in this chapter?
Prayer:Thank You Lord for showing the signs of the end of time to us. Please keep me alert that I will not be tricked.
Hymn:965 When my blest Lord will come again