The Coming of the Lord, the New Heaven and New Earth
Verses:2_Peter 3:1 ~ 3:18
Key Verse:8-9. But do not let this one thing escape you, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. The Lord does not delay regarding the promise, as some count delay, but is long-suffering toward you, not intending that any perish but that all advance to repentance.
Topic:The Coming of the Lord, the New Heaven and New Earth
Emphasis:Those verses answered this puzzle being asked by peoples for two thousand years: “Where is the promise of His coming?” Here Peter answered from two aspects: First, God’s concept about time is different from Man’s concept about time; Second, He is long-suffering toward us, and hopes all will come to repentance.
Meditate:For the Lord’s coming again, do we have adequate understanding?
Prayer:For Your promise concerning the New Heavens and the New Earth, we praise You. Let me take Your long-suffering as an opportunity of repentance unto salvation. Let’s become the person without spot and without blemish.
Hymn:960 My King will soon come back again
Key Verse:8-9. But do not let this one thing escape you, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. The Lord does not delay regarding the promise, as some count delay, but is long-suffering toward you, not intending that any perish but that all advance to repentance.
Topic:The Coming of the Lord, the New Heaven and New Earth
Emphasis:Those verses answered this puzzle being asked by peoples for two thousand years: “Where is the promise of His coming?” Here Peter answered from two aspects: First, God’s concept about time is different from Man’s concept about time; Second, He is long-suffering toward us, and hopes all will come to repentance.
Meditate:For the Lord’s coming again, do we have adequate understanding?
Prayer:For Your promise concerning the New Heavens and the New Earth, we praise You. Let me take Your long-suffering as an opportunity of repentance unto salvation. Let’s become the person without spot and without blemish.
Hymn:960 My King will soon come back again