To Marry or Not?
Verses:1_Corinthians 7:25 ~ 7:40
Key Verse:35. But this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a noose upon you but that you may be comely and may wait on the Lord without distraction.
Topic:To Marry or Not?
Emphasis:We have to make many important choices in our life. Whether to marry or not is a common one that we need to make a decision about. Here the apostle instructs us what we should consider when making a choice: Will this choice distract us from serving the Lord? Can we serve Him as diligently as before?
Meditate:We always put our benefit first when making a choice, then comes benefit to God. Do we practice as the second the verse of hymn 389: “Each time I dream of the goodness of life, I pray Thee dear Lord that Thou in it may be.”
Prayer:Lord, please remind me of giving priority to “Serving the Lord” when I have to make a choice.
Hymn:386 Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live,
Key Verse:35. But this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a noose upon you but that you may be comely and may wait on the Lord without distraction.
Topic:To Marry or Not?
Emphasis:We have to make many important choices in our life. Whether to marry or not is a common one that we need to make a decision about. Here the apostle instructs us what we should consider when making a choice: Will this choice distract us from serving the Lord? Can we serve Him as diligently as before?
Meditate:We always put our benefit first when making a choice, then comes benefit to God. Do we practice as the second the verse of hymn 389: “Each time I dream of the goodness of life, I pray Thee dear Lord that Thou in it may be.”
Prayer:Lord, please remind me of giving priority to “Serving the Lord” when I have to make a choice.
Hymn:386 Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live,