God’s Economy in faith versus Different Teachings
Verses:1_Timothy 1:1 ~ 1:20
Key Verse:3-5. Even as I exhorted you, when I was going into Macedonia, to remain in Ephesus in order that you might charge certain ones not to teach different things Nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than Gods economy, which is in faith. But the end of the charge is love out of a pure heart and out of a good conscience and out of unfeigned faith;
Topic:God’s Economy in faith versus Different Teachings
Emphasis:As early as in the apostle Paul’s time, certain ones have abandoned their conscience and faith. They have turned their focus to vain talking and myths. Paul taught us that the way to deal with such problems is “love”. This is not our fallen love, but the love out of a pure heart and out of a good conscience and out of unfeigned faith.
Meditate:Nowadays there so many heresies and false teachings. Are we getting ourselves into all kinds of debates? Or are we staying in God’s love and pursuing truth?
Prayer:Through Your word, thank the Lord for teaching me how to war the good warfare. (verse 18). Lord, keep me that I may stay in the love of God.
Hymn:947 God’s Kingdom today is a real exercise,
Key Verse:3-5. Even as I exhorted you, when I was going into Macedonia, to remain in Ephesus in order that you might charge certain ones not to teach different things Nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than Gods economy, which is in faith. But the end of the charge is love out of a pure heart and out of a good conscience and out of unfeigned faith;
Topic:God’s Economy in faith versus Different Teachings
Emphasis:As early as in the apostle Paul’s time, certain ones have abandoned their conscience and faith. They have turned their focus to vain talking and myths. Paul taught us that the way to deal with such problems is “love”. This is not our fallen love, but the love out of a pure heart and out of a good conscience and out of unfeigned faith.
Meditate:Nowadays there so many heresies and false teachings. Are we getting ourselves into all kinds of debates? Or are we staying in God’s love and pursuing truth?
Prayer:Through Your word, thank the Lord for teaching me how to war the good warfare. (verse 18). Lord, keep me that I may stay in the love of God.
Hymn:947 God’s Kingdom today is a real exercise,