The pattern of faith, hope, and love
Verses:1_Thessalonians 1:1 ~ 1:10
Key Verse:6. And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction with joy of the Holy Spirit,
Topic:The pattern of faith, hope, and love
Emphasis:The Gospel is the power of God. When we preach Gospel, should not just in words only, but also we should be what we preach. The one who preaches should be the pattern of faith.
Meditate:Receiving joy from the Holy Spirit in affliction is the pattern of the Lord Jesus and his disciples, and we should be reminded of this in our life of waiting for the return of Lord.
Prayer:For many patterns of faith, love, and hope, we praise You. I am not walking on the narrow path alone, You walked through, and so did many disciples, and today there are many saints walking in it. Guard me until the end of this road.
Hymn:Let me love and not be requited.
Key Verse:6. And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction with joy of the Holy Spirit,
Topic:The pattern of faith, hope, and love
Emphasis:The Gospel is the power of God. When we preach Gospel, should not just in words only, but also we should be what we preach. The one who preaches should be the pattern of faith.
Meditate:Receiving joy from the Holy Spirit in affliction is the pattern of the Lord Jesus and his disciples, and we should be reminded of this in our life of waiting for the return of Lord.
Prayer:For many patterns of faith, love, and hope, we praise You. I am not walking on the narrow path alone, You walked through, and so did many disciples, and today there are many saints walking in it. Guard me until the end of this road.
Hymn:Let me love and not be requited.