Apostles fostering saints in love
Verses:1_Thessalonians 2:1 ~ 2:20
Key Verse:11-12. Just as you know how we were to each one of you, as a father to his own children, exhorting you and consoling you and testifying, So that you might walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.
Topic:Apostles fostering saints in love
Emphasis:Paul testified how he exhorting the believers in Thessalonica likes a parent. They are his glory and joy.
Meditate:The saints are all God’s family members. Do we treat saints as our own family?
Prayer:Thank you Lord for taking me as your family member. Let me acknowledge the saints who exhort me and take care of the younger ones.
Hymn:Lord, You are My Only Goal
Key Verse:11-12. Just as you know how we were to each one of you, as a father to his own children, exhorting you and consoling you and testifying, So that you might walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.
Topic:Apostles fostering saints in love
Emphasis:Paul testified how he exhorting the believers in Thessalonica likes a parent. They are his glory and joy.
Meditate:The saints are all God’s family members. Do we treat saints as our own family?
Prayer:Thank you Lord for taking me as your family member. Let me acknowledge the saints who exhort me and take care of the younger ones.
Hymn:Lord, You are My Only Goal